April 18, 2010

Does Size Matter?

I have now spent days sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing. Don't get me wrong... I love being pregnant but this whole not being able to breathe without pain thing is not fun.

The baby kicks me so hard at night that I can't sleep and I think that it is sooo cute. I am sure that I will be singing a different tune when baby is here and keeps me awake all the time but for now I am really enjoying it!!!

Oh, I never reported on the last prenatal! Ann said that everything looks good! The baby is a little smaller than the other babies in the family. Mine will probably be around 7.5 lbs at birth whereas my sisters both produce 9 pounders. Half of me is incredibly thankful... smaller baby = easier labor. The other half of me feels slightly competitive and wants the baby to grow 2 lbs. in the next week and a half so that I CAN WIN!!!!!! Hmmm Hemmm... I mean.... this is not a contest or anything and I am most definitely mature enough to recognize that!

~38 weeks


Anonymous said...

Hehehehe Nat. That is so funny. I love you sis. Can't wait to see your little one. I got the baby a little something.


morganrenee said...

So the baby countdown on the sidebar that currently says "11 days to go" is PRETTY STINKIN EXCITING!!!
Love you!